PRACTICAL - Film Production Studio

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Following such a wild year in 2018, in comparison, in was tempting to think of 2019 as tame. It’s only looking back at the photos that memories and big events and memories rush back. This is the year that PRACTICAL turned 10 YEARS OLD. And while we premiered our film Find Me Up North this year, this is the year we released it online and it went viral. This is also the year we finally filmed our first full length feature film (Quicksand!). And somehow in the time left over we produced a record level of commercial projects, making this the biggest year Practical has ever had. Tame? Not so much. It probably only feels that way because we ended the year so exhausted that we’re just having a hard time remembering anything at all.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the projects this year a reality, a success, and so much fun to be a part of. We are growing and our production family is as well. So glad to be on this wild ride with all of you. Here’s out best BTS film stills from 2019 to look at as we look forward to what the next decade will hold.

And yes, as we write this, COVID-19 has our whole team in isolation (separately) and that is crazy, feels very strange and confusing BUT ALSO we know this isn’t permanent. Even if this is how we start a new decade, it’s a season that will pass. Keep your chins up everyone. Wash your hands and look out for each other.

- JohnPaul Morris, Director

Thanks for scrolling. Hopefully we’ll all be out of quarantine soon and back on set.

See you there.

JohnPaul Morris - Director

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